|18/04/23 04:11|heazusa network unreachable | swap NICs, then reboot|
|20/12/21 09:??|heazusa let's encrypt certificate renewal error| restart dovecot|
|30/07/20 09:??|he01 I/O error| change the connection for system installed M.2 to M.2_1 from M.2_3 |
|26/04/17 ??:??|he02 sky2 network driver error| press reset button|
|29/11/16 22:00|azusa /dev/sda1 Input/Output error|Input/Output errorのためRead onlyでマウントされる。HDDは問題ない?ケーブルが原因?HDDをSATAのものと交換。|
|28/11/16 22:58|azusa /dev/sda1 Input/Output error|rebooted, press the power button, HDDが32%になると起こる?|
|05/11/16 23:07?|azusa /dev/sda1 Input/Output error|HDD replaced(06/11/16)|
|31/10/16 17:10?|azusa doesn't respond, the HDD access lamp is continuously on||
|23/10/16 00:05?|azusa doesn't respond, the HDD access lamp is continuously on|press the power button|
|27/09/16 22:5?|azusa doesn't respond, the HDD access lamp is continuously on|press the power button|
|28/05/16 23:15|/dev/sda1 Input/Output error|rbooted|
|27/03/16 23:15|azusa doesn't respond, the HDD access lamp is continuously on|press the power button|
|13/03/16 17:00|azusa replaced||
|29/02/16 17:30|unexpected shutdown of azusa, over heat of CPU|turn on|
|22/01/16 17:27|unexpected shutdown of azusa, over heat of CPU|turn on|
|20/01/16 17:05|unexpected shutdown of azusa, over heat of CPU|turn on|
|05/10/14 19:30|ldap access is too slow on he02 and he08|restart nslcd|
|14/04/14 13:40|xsession doesn't start/locked: server not responding, still trying|typo in /etc/config/nfssetting, restart nfs server@henas-qnap.he|
|09/04/14 15:30|xsession doesn't start/locked: server not responding, still trying|typo in /etc/config/nfssetting, restart nfs server@henas-qnap.he|
|04/02/13 ??:??|gnome doesn't start|upgrade file server firmware|
|??/01/11 ??:??|user(yamazaki) can login, but X applications don't start up|clean up he06.he:/tmp|
|01/12/10 ??:??|he02.he Input/Output error|HDD exchanged, seemed to be fixed|
|24/11/10 21:17|he02.he Input/Output error|rebooted, seemed to be fixed|
|17/11/10 ??:??|he02.he Input/Output error|HDD exchanged|
|14/09/10 ??:??|file server hesv0.he failure, nfs restarted, but not fixed?, Alt+Ctrl+delete didn't work.|press reset button, /dev/md0 fscked manunally, tens of errors were fixed.|
|22/06/10 23:05|file server hesv0.he failure, nfs?, can't login, Alt+Ctrl+delete didn't work, overload of nas? due to heavy load at loop-mounted file system by pacman for installation of ATLAS software|press reset button, nfs server started with sync option in /etc/exports|
|17/05/10 22:15|file server hesv0.he failure, nfs?, can't login, Alt+Ctrl+delete didn't work, overload of nas? due to heavy load at loop-mounted file system by pacman for installation of ATLAS software|press reset button|
|07/05/10 00:01|file server hesv0.he failure, nfs?, can't login, Alt+Ctrl+delete didn't work, overload of nas?|press reset button|
|06/05/10 11:40|pcatl05.shinshu-u.ac.jp shutting down fro system halt|rebooted|
|26/04/10 21:12|file server hesv0.he failure, nfs?, can't login, Alt+Ctrl+delete didn't work|press reset button|
|22/04/10 23:40|file server hesv0.he failure, nfs?, can't login, Alt+Ctrl+delete didn't work|press reset button|
|08/04/10 21:15|file server hesv0.he failure, nfs?, can't login, Alt+Ctrl+delete didn't work|press reset button|
|14/12/09 19:10|login prompt was alive, but authentication couldn't be done, then no response. Alt+Ctrl+delete didn't work.|press reset button|
|26/11/09 05:30|hesv0.he kernel panic?|press reset button|
|28/10/09 21:30|pcatl03.shinshu-u.ac.jp ipsec failure|# /etc/init.d/ipsec restart|
|30/06/09 17:30|pcatl01.shinshu-u.ac.jp ipsec failure|# /sbin/service ipsec restart|
|27/06/09 11:06|pcatl04.shinshu-u.ac.jp kernel: __alloc_pages: 0-order allocation failed (gfp=0x1f0/0)|rebooted|
|17/06/09 06:26|pcatl03.shinshu-u.ac.jp ipsec failure|# /sbin/service ipsec restart|
|10/06/09 12:00|pcatl01.shinshu-u.ac.jp ipsec failure|# /sbin/service ipsec restart|
|30/04/09 13:00|pcatl05.shinshu-u.ac.jp network failure|confirm the connection to the hub, one calbe plugged off?&br; # /sbin/service ipsec restart&br; some of PCs are resumed, the others are rebooted.|
|29/04/09 09:30|can't login to azusa via ssh|# /sbin/service sshd restart|
|19/03/09 10:20|pcatl03.shinshu-u.ac.jp network and/or ipsec failure|# /sbin/service network restart&br; # /sbin/service ipsec restart|
|16/03/09 12:00|pcatl04.shinshu-u.ac.jp ipsec failure, transfer of data on NFS failed. memory is exausted by ipsec?, the failure would be releated to the previous one?|pcatl04 rebooted|
|12/03/09 13:00|pcatl03.shinshu-u.ac.jp network and/or ipsec failure|# /sbin/service network restart&br; # /sbin/service ipsec restart|
|28/01/09 20:00|nfsd on NAS did not respond and nfsd did not stop when shutdown|NAS was shut down by swtiching off. After rebooting, sync took about 6h40m.|
|10/12/08 09:45 |pcatl03.shinshu-u.ac.jp ipsec failure|# /sbin/service ipsec restart|


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